Moab, UT
experience • shopping
Posted about 5 years ago
State Liquor Store
Though it's probably not the best liquor store you'll ever run into, I'm recommending this place for all the travelers who are confused about how to buy beer in Utah 😂 If you're not up to speed, it's actually a bit complex but follow my simple rules and you'll be well on your way to drinking a tasty oat soda, whiskey or wine. Utah legislation requires that only state-run liquor stores can sell packaged alcoholic beverages above 3.2% ABV (or 4% by weight). 1) everything at the state run liquor store is unrefrigerated, so buy your beer ahead of time and put it on ice if you like it chilly. 2) the competition for good 3.2% beers in Utah is actually pretty healthy so don't be shy about grabbing a Utah craft pale ale, kolsch, etc from the gas station or grocery store. These will be cold too, so if you're extra thirsty, you can drink these while your PBRs chill a bit more. As a very general note, I'd stay away from beer styles that aren't inherently lower ABVs 'cause I don't see it as a valuable use of your time trying to find a quality double IPA at 3.2% ABV. 3) there isn't any difference in packaging between the watery 3.2% Coors banquet (or any other macro brand for that matter) and the hearty 5% you'd find in the state run liquor store, so don't be fooled. 4) whiskey is still whiskey in Utah. 🥃
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Charleston, SC
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1 Broad St
Charleston Cocktail Week is an event that celebrates the city's vibrant cocktail culture. Attendees can look forward to a week filled with tastings, workshops, and special events showcasing the best of Charleston's mixology scene.
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