Burlington, MA
Posted over 5 years ago
Flight Experience
This is something that is in a number of cities across the world. Different companies have different names for it, but the overall idea is that you are able to act like a pilot on a airplane simulator. You and a friend can go in as pilot and co-pilot and fly a traditional commercial airplane to and from any airport in the world. You are given a crash course prior to "take-off", then you are able to "actually" fly a plane like an actual pilot would. There are various difficulty levels and even doing beginner is a mode that is too hard for most, myself included. Doing this allows you to see why being a pilot is such a hard thing to do, but more importantly it is a fun and new experience that the whole family can enjoy. ALSO most places give you a video recording of you as a pilot, which is quite comical after nearly crashing a simulated plane.
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