Favorite Countries
United States, US
Posted almost 6 years ago
United States
From the big, chaotic cites to the beaches of Hawaii there is something for everyone. You can get off the grid in the deserts of Utah or the mountains of Colorado. Party the night away in Las Vegas or Miami or explore one of the 58 National Parks. Most diverse country I know.
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Cambodia, KH
Posted almost 6 years ago
Ruins, jungles, coastline, and the nicest people you’ll ever meet.
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Germany, DE
Posted almost 6 years ago
Rich in history, structured, organized, efficient there’s never a shortage of beer to be drunk.
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Italy, IT
Posted almost 6 years ago
I studied abroad in Italy in college so I may be a bit biased but it has history, ruins, coastlines, wine, and pizza. What more could a girl ask for?
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Philippines, PH
Posted almost 6 years ago
It’s no surprise I love the beach and the Philippines have no shortage of palm fringed, white sand beaches. You won’t run out of reefs to snorkel and dive at.
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Japan, JP
Posted almost 6 years ago
I’m a virgo so I’m a sucker for structure, organization, and punctuality. Japan has all of that they are technologically advanced. Throw in some Samari castels, white sand beaches and powdered ski resorts make Japan the perfect country to visit.
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