Most Underrated and Undervisited Countries
Bulgaria, BG
Posted almost 6 years ago
An interesting country with a history spanning much farther than most people might know. Anchient ruins are often discovered in the middle of cities.
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Vanuatu, VU
Posted almost 6 years ago
It might be popular with tourists from the Asia Pacific region, but most people I know from the US have never heard of it. The beautiful island deserves to be visited by anyone wanting a unique island vacation.
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Finland, FI
Posted almost 6 years ago
One of my favorite countries in all of Europe seems to be one of the least visited. Yes, it can be cold, but there is so much to do and plenty of hot chocolate to drink. There are world-class museums and many unique outdoor excurisions.
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Estonia, EE
Posted almost 6 years ago
I seriously do not understand why more people don't visit Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. All three were fantastic countries with lots to see and do.
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Tunisia, TN
Posted almost 6 years ago
While it has been popular with tourists in the past it has definitely taken a hit due to terrorist attacks a few years ago. This shouldn't scare you from visiting, though, as the situation seems to be under control and there are so many beautiful things to see in the country.
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Georgia, GE
Posted almost 6 years ago
It's a unique country that lies between the east and the west. There is a lot to offer from unique beauty to tasty foods.
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Dominica, DM
Posted almost 6 years ago
This tiny island in the Caribbean blew me away on my short visit. The vast vegitation was drastically different from any other island yet so few people visit the country.
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Colombia, CO
Posted almost 6 years ago
Many people might worry about visiting but I felt right at home. The capital city, Bogota, was very nice and modern and there was so much to do.
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Laos, LA
Posted almost 6 years ago
Laos was a little paradise in the middle of Asia. Yes, there are giant spiders and it is a Communist country, but there is so much more to it that more people need to discover.
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Bhutan, BT
Posted almost 6 years ago
It is an absolutely beautiful nation and I don't know why more people don't seek it out. Yes, you have to visit the country with a guide, but they go through intensive training and mine ended up becoming a friend. There is also a lot to learn about religion and culture.
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