Things To Do In Northern Sumatra
Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Posted over 5 years ago
Gunung Sibayak
Gunung Sibayak is one of 35 Active volcanos in Sumatra. The walk to the crater is not very challenging, and the views from the top are something else! Be aware of the vents, as the steam can be hot so don't get too close!
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North Sumatra, Indonesia
Posted over 5 years ago
Mount Sinabung
After Gunung Sinabung erupted, all the villages within 4km were evacuated in 2015. Now the villages are eerily empty, and you will get very close to the volcano if you visit one. Always be mindful in situations like this though!
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North Sumatra, Indonesia
Posted over 5 years ago
Samosir Island is located in the middle of Lake Toba. The views are incredible, and you will be staying in the middle of a super volcano. Yep that's right! The volcano erupted over 70,000 years ago leaving the landscape the way it is today.
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Indonesia, ID
Posted over 5 years ago
Sumatras public transport is the best way to get around. Not only is it cheap but it is definitely an experience! Often if there isn't enough room on the minibus you will be asked to ride on the roof which was definitely a new experience for us but quite exciting!
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Aceh, Indonesia
Posted over 5 years ago
Mount Leuser National Park
Gunung Leuser National Park is something else! You will have to hire a guide to do this jungle trek but it is so worth it. We saw plenty of orangutan and gibbons and it was such an incredible experience! There are also elephants, bears, tigers and rhinos found here.
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North Sumatra, Indonesia
Posted over 5 years ago
Landak River
Bahorok River is located in Bukit Lawang and is the perfect way to cool off after a trek through Gunung Leuser National Park. All the local children swim in the river and you will definitely get a few Hi's!
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North Sumatra, Indonesia
Posted over 5 years ago
Lake Toba
Lake Toba is the largest Volcanic lake in the world, and is the crater of a supervolcano which is still active. Sounds scary right? The volcano hasn't erupted for over 70,000 years so we figured it was safe enough! The water is so cold though, definitely not the temperature we expected from a volcanic lake!
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North Sumatra, Indonesia
Posted over 5 years ago
Air Terjun Sipiso Piso
One of Indonesia's highest waterfalls, Spiso Piso is a beautiful place to visit. There is a viewpoint from the carpark or you can trek down to the bottom for both incredible views of this waterfall.
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